Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Doctors Who Treat Lyme Disease

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A Pioneer In Lyme Disease

Lyme Disease Treatment – Johns Hopkins (4 of 5)

Our program is led by Allen Steere, MD, one of the world’s foremost experts on Lyme disease. Dr. Steere discovered the illness in 1976 and laid the foundation for understanding the many manifestations of the disease, including Lyme arthritis .

Today, Dr. Steere is researching why some patients with Lyme arthritis have persistent joint inflammation after using antibiotic therapy to eliminate the Lyme disease bacterium. This research is leading to improved diagnostic and treatment capabilities for such patients.

Can Lyme Disease Cause Cognitive Dysfunction Or Dementia

The question of whether Lyme disease could cause dementia was addressed by Wormser and colleagues in an article entitled Lack of Convincing Evidence That Borrelia burgdorferi Infection Causes Either Alzheimer Disease or Lewy Body Dementia, published in the journal Clinical Infectious Diseases.¹ The authors reviewed a paper by Gadila et al.² which concluded that a Lyme disease infection might cause Lewy body dementia. The case described a 69-year-old woman who died

What Is Lyme Disease

According to theCenters for Disease Control and Prevention, Lyme disease is caused by the bite of a tick carrying the bacterium Borrelia burgdorferi. This bacterium is a spirochete, or one that is twisted spirally. However, while a spirochete is a bacterium, research has shown that B. burgdorferi does not share factors common to many bacterial pathogens. This is why Dr. Dane believes antibiotic therapies are not a cure for chronic Lyme disease.

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Ilads Mourns The Passing Of Charles Ray Jones Md

ILADS is saddened to report the passing of pediatric Lyme specialist and long-time ILADS member, Dr. Charles Ray Jones. Dr. Jones was a legend in the Lyme community for his dedication to treating children with Lyme and tick-borne diseases. He endured harassment from the medical establishment and cared for chronically ill children at a time when many physicians were not willing to acknowledge the true cause of their pain and suffering. His willingness to listen to patients and support families through the healing process made him a legend and a hero to the Lyme community.

In 2014, Dr. Jones was honored with the ILADEF Pioneer in Lyme award for recognition of his work with pediatric Lyme patients. He shared his knowledge at countless ILADS conferences and trained scores of physicians through the ILADEF Physician Training Program. We are grateful for all he did for his patients and the ILADS community.

If you are interested in supporting ILADS and the ILADEF Physician Training Program, please consider a donation to the ILADEF Charles Ray Jones, MD memorial fund.

One Year After Infection Patient Shows Signs Of Lyme Meningitis

Looking Beyond the Prescription for Lyme Disease Therapy: If you are ...

In their article Lyme neuroborreliosis as a cause of sudden sensorineural hearing loss and facial palsy, Nitro and colleagues present a case involving a woman in her 40s who developed a sudden loss of hearing in both ears, along with facial palsy and was later diagnosed with Lyme meningitis.¹ Bilateral hearing loss is rare, the authors point out. The patient was admitted to the emergency department reporting hearing loss in

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Are Llmds Infectious Disease Specialists

No. While it is possible for a LLMD to be an infectious disease specialist, LLMDs can come from any field or background. Many LLMDs are general practitioners or family doctors, while others may specialize in a specific type of medicine, such as naturopathic medicine.

For more information on finding a LLMD, read IGeneXs blog How to Find Doctors Who Can Help with Your Tick-Borne Disease.

The Different Types Of Doctors Who Can Test For Lyme Disease

Lyme disease is a tick-borne infectious disease caused by a group of spiral-shaped bacteria we now refer to as Lyme borreliae. This includes, but is not limited to, Borrelia burgdorferi. It is treatable with antibiotics, but in order to have the best chance at full recovery, its crucial to get your disease diagnosed and treated as soon as possible. That means finding the right doctor.

But what kind of doctor tests for Lyme disease? You may be wondering if you need to see a specific kind of physician to get the right test and treatment. The answer can depend on your particular situation.

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What Are The Symptoms Of Lyme Disease

Symptoms of Lyme disease have a wide range and depend on how far the disease progresses. Symptoms can occur anywhere from three to thirty days post infected tick bite. Early symptoms of Lyme disease include a rash that develops on the area surrounding a tick bite. This rash can spread over the course of a few days and may have a noticeable bullseye pattern in its center. In some cases, a rash never develops. Not all tick bites carry infection.

Early signs of Lyme disease include:

If left untreated, Lyme disease can progress to more serious complications. Later stage symptoms include:

  • Severe headache and neck stiffness
  • Arthritis with severe joint pain and swelling
  • Inflammation of the brain or spinal cord
  • Heart-related complications

If you think youre experiencing some of the symptoms of Lyme disease, schedule a consultation at Advanced Infectious Disease Medical.

Our Daughter Got Her Life Back

Dr. Kalpana Shere-Wolfe on Post Treatment Lyme Disease Syndrome

Our pre-teen daughter had always been active in sports and engaged at school. Suddenly she was complaining of aches and pains and was exhausted all the time. She became lethargic at school and no longer wanted to play soccer. Her pediatrician repeatedly dismissed her symptoms as growing pains and moodiness. Months later, our daughters symptoms had worsened to include headaches, swollen joints, shortness of breath, and more. For more than a year, we visited a variety of experts, all of whom told us it wasnt Lyme disease and prescribed a long list of medicines, ranging from anti-inflammatories to antidepressants, meant to ease her symptoms. Nothing helped. When another parent told me how much the chronic disease experts at Bock Integrative had helped his child, we knew I had to give Dr. Bock and Jennifer Petkos a try. The comprehensive approach they took in evaluating our daughters condition allowed them to diagnose her with two lesser-known tick-borne illnesses and they were able to design a treatment program that restored balance to her immune system. Shes now an active high school athlete and straight-A student. Thank you for giving our daughter her life back!~ Victoria, Hesler, Somerset, New Jersey

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Neurological Manifestations Of Babesiosis

Individuals with babesiosis can experience fevers, chills, myalgias, anorexia, headache, nausea, and vomiting. According to the authors, The least common are shortness of breath, sore throat, neck stiffness, emotional lability, photophobia, and dark urine. In their study entitled Atypical Presentation of Babesiosis With Neurological Manifestations as Well as Hematological Manifestations, the authors summarize two cases which presented with stroke-like/transient ischemic attack -like signs and symptoms. Both patients were in their

What Treatment Options Are Available For Lyme Disease

In many cases, you can recover from Lyme disease if treatment occurs in a timely manner. If diagnosed with early Lyme disease, Dr. Forouzesh can prescribe oral antibiotics to fight the infection, which usually leads to a complete recovery.

If Lyme disease is already affecting your nervous system or joints, Dr. Forouzesh will determine if intravenous antibiotics are needed to treat the infection.

If possible exposure to Lyme disease is suspected, Dr. Forouzesh can evaluate you and provide information and advice on what treatment will be needed, as well as how to avoid future exposure to Lyme disease and tick bites.

Find out more about Lyme disease testing and prevention by calling the Hoboken office directly or booking an appointment online.

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Columbia Center Combines Patient Care And Research

The Cohen Center for Health and Recovery from Tick-Borne Diseases, which combines patient care and research, was launched in 2021, supported by a generous gift from the Steven & Alexandra Cohen Foundation. Alexandra Cohen had long-term Lyme disease for several years, an experience that launched a philanthropic campaign to improve care, support research, and find better therapies.

The center offers clinical evaluation and care for children and adults with acute and chronic symptoms from Lyme and tick-borne diseases. It also provides access to a new clinical trials network investigating more effective treatments. After evaluation at the center, patients may receive care there for a time or be given guidance for treatment in their home communities.

Dr. Kendrick says the chronic symptoms that arise after Lyme disease are similar to symptoms some patients have after COVID-19 or Epstein-Barr infections, such as severe fatigue, joint and muscle pain, headaches, memory and other cognitive problems, and sleep disorders. Now that long COVID has become more widely accepted as a real condition, she hopes the medical community and the public will better understand chronic Lyme disease.

What To Know About Seeing A Doctor And Getting Tested

New Jersey Lyme Disease Treatment and Autoimmune Doctor

Whatever kind of doctor you see, they will consider your medical history, your symptoms, and your Lyme disease test results when making a diagnosis. They should perform what is known as a differential diagnosis in order to rule out common misdiagnoses, such as Rheumatoid Arthritis, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, ALS, MS, etc.

Many doctors rely on the two-tier system recommended by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, which consists of the following two blood tests:

  • Western blot test

However, research shows that these tests are severely limited in accuracy and sensitivity. A LLMD may be able to help you get tested with newer and more accurate testing technology.

Lyme disease recovery starts with finding a doctor who has sufficient experience with Lyme as well as access to the right diagnostic testing. To learn more about what tests are available for Lyme disease today, including IGeneXs ImmunoBlot test, check out the blog The Best Test for Lyme Disease.

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Doctors Debate Patients Suffer: The Fight Over Chronic Lyme Disease In Wisconsin

  • Sunday, March 13, 2022, 6:50am

If life had gone as planned, Maria Alice Lima Freitas would be in medical school, inspired by the career of her father, a surgeon who practiced in Brazil. But instead of changing careers, the 49-year-old therapist retired from University of Wisconsin-Madison.

Freitas says her undiagnosed Lyme disease has sapped her energy, fogged her thinking and caused pain in her neck, shoulders, hands and right knee. She has three times deferred her entrance into medical school while struggling with myriad symptoms that she attributes to Lyme.

Most of her doctors say she is mistaken, and that her symptoms, which began in 2015, are due to rheumatoid arthritis, or RA.

Freitas is among thousands of Wisconsinites who say they are suffering from a chronic or long-term version of the disease. The infection comes from tiny ticks primarily found in the northeastern United States, including in Wisconsin which is a hot spot for Lyme, ranking No. 5 among states for Lyme cases in 2019.

Nationally, Lyme disease infects an estimated 476,000 people a year. The Wisconsin Department of Health Services reports the state had 3,076 estimated cases of Lyme disease in 2020 a doubling in the past 15 years. But medical entomologists say Lyme cases in the state could be 10 times higher than reported.

“The best way I can explainIm going through hell, keep on going,” Freitas said.

Is There Such A Thing As Chronic Lyme Disease

Chronic Lyme disease is considered controversial. Patients who are finally diagnosed with CLD are often discouraged, to say the least, with the medical community. It often takes years to be diagnosed, and that is if they run across a Lyme-literate doctor. With Google at peoples fingertips, more patients are being diagnosed and treated than ever before. But the controversy keeps escalating. Many traditional doctors do not believe in CLD. And, if they do, they frown upon long-term antibiotic therapy. This is where Dr. Dane agrees with the more widespread medical community.

Knowing that spirochete populations can cause nerve damage in the body, the question that must be asked is, Can Lyme disease lead to brain disorders? The simple answer is a resounding yes. Some research suggests links between Lyme disease and Parkinsons, multiple sclerosis, autism, dementia, and a range of other psychiatric conditions.

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Infectious Disease Specialist & Internist Located In Hoboken Nj

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, studies suggest that the number of people diagnosed with Lyme disease each year in the United States is around 300,000. If youre bitten and experience unexplained joint pain and fatigue, schedule an evaluation at Advanced Infectious Disease Medical in Hoboken, New Jersey. Avisheh Forouzesh, MD, specializes in diagnosing and treating Lyme disease. Her office is well-equipped to remove ticks, test for Lyme disease, and treat existing infections. Learn more about treatment options for Lyme disease by calling the Hoboken office or using the online booking feature.

Who Treats Lyme Disease

Long Haul Lyme Disease Risk Found: Even in Early Treated Patients | Johns Hopkins Rheumatology

Lyme disease is a bacterial infection spread to people by deer ticks. Lyme disease can cause different symptoms, depending on how long youve had the infection. And symptoms of Lyme disease can come and go, making it seem like youre betterand making it harder to figure out when you were first infected.

All of this can make Lyme disease complex for healthcare providers to diagnose and treat. If you think you have Lyme disease, look for providers who have experience treating the condition, especially in areas where Lyme disease is more common. In the United States, this includes the northeastern coast and the upper Midwest.

Healthcare providers who treat Lyme disease include:

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Is There An Effective Treatment For Lyme Disease

Dr. Dane was introduced to a new treatment for Lyme disease in 2017. It was not an antibiotic, nor was it an herbal remedy. It was a mineral compound produced in liquid form that could be turned into a gaseous state and nebulized. The product essentially acts as a fumigator and blasts the body with a blend of minerals that kills the spirochetes and improves immune function. Skeptical at first, Dr. Dane tracked eight patients over the course of a year that she had treated for the neurological effects of Lyme disease. Much to her amazement, seven of those patients were clear of Lyme just over a year later. Symptom relief varied from completely gone to 50% better. However, some effects of CLD cannot be reversed.

The mineral product is called Lyme-N, and, like many aspects of Lyme disease, its effectiveness is controversial. But this is the only treatment Dr. Dane has seen eradicate the spirochetes associated with CLD.

Dr. Dane has witnessed many patients put their trust in her after becoming frustrated with more traditional Lyme disease treatments at other medical facilities. The Carolina Brain Centers way of treating patients is built upon the tenets of functional neurology, which use a combination of medical technology and brain therapy to produce healing where possible and the easing of symptoms in other cases.

What Are The Best Tests For Lyme Disease

At the Carolina Brain Center, we recommend two tests. One is DNA Connexions, a urine test. The other is MacTech Imaging, a saliva test.

The DNA Connexions test identifies co-infections common to Lyme disease. MacTech Imaging picks up where the DNA Connexions test leaves off by giving doctors an idea of a patients overall microbial load. Each saliva sample is scanned for spirochetes and then given a graded score.

These two unique tests allow us to proceed confidently with treatment. Post-treatment analysis informs doctors as to whether a patient is clear.

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Do I Need To See An Infectious Disease Specialist To Get Tested For Lyme Disease

No, you do not need to see an infectious disease specialist.

As noted above, any type of physician should be able to order the correct diagnostic tests, interpret your test results, and provide antibiotics to treat Lyme disease. This is especially true the earlier the disease is caught.

In fact, American Lyme Disease Foundation points out that waiting for an appointment with an infectious disease or other type of specialist can actually delay your diagnosis and treatment. If you were bitten by a tick, notice symptoms of Lyme disease, or believe youre at risk for Lyme or another tick-borne disease, its important that you make an appointment with a doctor immediately even if its your primary care physician.

That said, there are plenty of reasons why you may want to consult with, or get a second opinion from, someone with specific experience with Lyme disease. In other words, you may want to make an appointment with a Lyme-literate doctor . Read on to learn more.

The Earlier In The Course Of Tick Borne Disease That The Treatment Is Started The Better For The Patient And The Worse For The Microbes

Cincinnati Lyme Disease Treatment Clinic

Early detection, however, can be difficult. Lyme IS the most prevalent tick borne disease in the states and it is increasing in incidence year to year. Yet the Center for Disease Control estimates only 10% of the cases of Lyme disease are reported annually. This is because only 50% to 68% of patients have a clear bulls-eye rash. Only 26% ever see the tick that gives them Lyme disease. Most people do not know that a flu in the late spring, summer or early fall can be a sign of Lyme disease. Most doctors do not know that Lyme exists anywhere but the northeast part of the United States. So early treatment is a challenge. I try during tick season in Northern California to have short appointments to check out a tick bite or erythema migrans rash, in order to effect early treatment.

Recommended Reading: Does Every Deer Tick Carry Lyme Disease

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